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by alphabet by cathegories
Works from PWM catalogue
Stage Music
(2017), ca 115-120’
Instrumentation: S MS CT Bar B solo*-coro misto-coro ragazzi-2222-4331- batt (3-5 esec) key/pf key chit el.-archi ( del suono 1 (voci di solisti), produttore del suono 2 (voce elettronica) *także wiele ról epizodycznych
Sacred Music
The Passion of our Lord According to Saint Matthew
(2004), ca 43'Instrumentation: solo: S MS (or CT) T Bar B MixedCh — 2Perc CD — Strings
For Chamber Orchestra
Cheap Imitations
for Chamber Ensemble , ca 19'Instrumentation: 101(+clb)0-0000-pf-archi (
For solo and orchestra
Concerto for Amplified Harpsichord and Orchestra
(2004), ca 15'Instrumentation: cemb solo-2222-4330-batt (4esec) cel pf-archi-nastro
for Jazz Trio and Orchestra (1974/78), ca 17'Instrumentation: soli: tr(sxf)-cb-dr 3222-4020-batt(3esec) ar pf cel-archi(
for Harpsichord and String Orchestra (1987), ca 8'Instrumentation: cmb-archi (
for Soloists, Orchestra and Tape (2005), ca 18'Instrumentation: soli: cl, vn, batt, pf-2222-2420-archi(10,8,6,4,4)-nastro
Orchestral Works
for Orchestra (2007), ca 8'Instrumentation: 2222-2210-batt (2esec) pf-archi(
Canticum profugorum
oratorio for S, Bar, actor, choirs, oud, percussion, orchestra and electronics (2020 rev.2022), ca 45'Instrumentation: S, Bar, actor choirs 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2[1.2/BCl] 2 — 4 2 2 1 — 2Perc Oud 2Elec Kbd — Strings more
Premiere: Katowice, 25.11.2022
Performers: Silesian Philharmony Choir and Orchestra, Karłowicz Music School Choir, Y. Shemet (dyr.), s.: J. Freszel, M. Godlewski, T .Sławek, N. Bouban (oud), P. Zakrzewski, M. Alban Juarez (darbouka, daf, perc.)
El Maale Rahamim
for Choir, Symphony Orchestra and Electronics (2001), ca 12'Instrumentation: coro SATB-3(+picc)222-4320-batt(4esec)-archi(
The Passion of our Lord According to Saint Matthew
(2004), ca 43'Instrumentation: solo: S MS (or CT) T Bar B MixedCh — 2Perc CD — Strings
Choral Music
Canticum profugorum
oratorio for S, Bar, actor, choirs, oud, percussion, orchestra and electronics (2020 rev.2022), ca 45'Instrumentation: S, Bar, actor choirs 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2[1.2/BCl] 2 — 4 2 2 1 — 2Perc Oud 2Elec Kbd — Strings more
Premiere: Katowice, 25.11.2022
Performers: Silesian Philharmony Choir and Orchestra, Karłowicz Music School Choir, Y. Shemet (dyr.), s.: J. Freszel, M. Godlewski, T .Sławek, N. Bouban (oud), P. Zakrzewski, M. Alban Juarez (darbouka, daf, perc.)
Cheap Imitations
for Chamber Ensemble , ca 19'Instrumentation: 101(+clb)0-0000-pf-archi (
Concerto for Amplified Harpsichord and Orchestra
(2004), ca 15'Instrumentation: cemb solo-2222-4330-batt (4esec) cel pf-archi-nastro
El Maale Rahamim
for Choir, Symphony Orchestra and Electronics (2001), ca 12'Instrumentation: coro SATB-3(+picc)222-4320-batt(4esec)-archi(
for Jazz Trio and Orchestra (1974/78), ca 17'Instrumentation: soli: tr(sxf)-cb-dr 3222-4020-batt(3esec) ar pf cel-archi(
for Harpsichord and String Orchestra (1987), ca 8'Instrumentation: cmb-archi (
The Passion of our Lord According to Saint Matthew
(2004), ca 43'Instrumentation: solo: S MS (or CT) T Bar B MixedCh — 2Perc CD — Strings
for Orchestra (2007), ca 8'Instrumentation: 2222-2210-batt (2esec) pf-archi(
for Soloists, Orchestra and Tape (2005), ca 18'Instrumentation: soli: cl, vn, batt, pf-2222-2420-archi(10,8,6,4,4)-nastro
(2017), ca 115-120’
Instrumentation: S MS CT Bar B solo*-coro misto-coro ragazzi-2222-4331- batt (3-5 esec) key/pf key chit el.-archi ( del suono 1 (voci di solisti), produttore del suono 2 (voce elettronica) *także wiele ról epizodycznych
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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