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Aleksander Lasoń, COMPOSER OF THE MONTH for June
Aleksander Lasoń – composer, conductor, pianist. Aesthete. June’s COMPOSER OF THE MONTH. Websites offer facts relating to the artist’s creative path. Yet one would seek in vain information relating to his private life. The composer keeps his world strictly to himself. At our request, however, he has lifted the veil of secrecy. In his own inimitable way, Aleksander Lasoń speaks about the things most important to him. In the form of a compositional A to Z, the like of which we have yet to see on the PWM website!The Festival of Seven Trends 19-25 June, Warsaw
The Festival of Seven Trends will take place in Warsaw on 19th-25th June. This festival caps the celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the Association of Polish Composers.1st Henryk Mikołaj Górecki International Festival of Contemporary Music
The 1st Henryk Mikołaj Górecki International Festival of Contemporary Music will be held in Krakow from June 3-5. Admission to all concerts is free.FOCUS! Festival - Polish Music in New York
A huge festival of Polish music starts this Saturday in New York
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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