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The Festival of Seven Trends 19-25 June, Warsaw
The Festival of Seven Trends will take place in Warsaw on 19th-25th June. This festival caps the celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the Association of Polish Composers.58th International Contemporary Music Festival Warsaw Autumn
Between 18 and 26 September, the 58th International Contemporary Music Festival Warsaw Autumn will be held.Concert - Witold Szalonek in Memoriam on the 85th Anniversary of the Composer's Birth
On Friday, March 2, a concert will be held in Katowice of Witold Szalonek’s works and works by winners of the Tadeusz Ochlewski Composition Competition, which in 2011 was dedicated to the memory of Szalonek.Concert on the 10th Anniversary of Witold Szalonek's Death
On 12 October in Berlin, a concert will be held on the 10th anniversary of the death of an outstanding, highly original Polish composer, Witold Szalonek.Project "Rescued From Oblivion - Witold Szalonek and his Sounds Combined" on the Tenth Ann
The Sound Factory Orchestra directed by Robert Kurdybacha have decided to honour the tenth anniversary of the famous composer’s death (1927-2001) with the project "Rescued from oblivion - Witold Szalonek and his sounds combined".
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