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by alphabet by cathegories
Works from PWM catalogue
Solo with instrument
Numerous Branches of Ramified Plaits
for Clarinet, Piano and Violoncello (1988), ca 16'For Chamber Orchestra
(2021), ca 70'
Instrumentation: 1[Picc/AFl] 1 1[PiccCl] 1[CBsn] — 1 1[PiccTpt] 1 0 — Timp 2Perc Elec Pno ElecPno[Sampler] ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings more
From the Depths I Sing
for Wind Instruments, Piano, Guitar and Percussion (1993), ca 20'Instrumentation: 101(+2sxf)0-2121-batt (1esec) pf chit more
Metaphysical Ballad
for Chamber Orchestra (1990), ca 8'Instrumentation: 101(+2sxf)0-2121-batt (1esec) 2chit pf
The Poster
for chamber orchestra (2023), ca 10'Instrumentation: 2 0 3[1.2.BCl] 0 — 0 2 0 0 — 3Perc Pno Acc — 2Vln 2Vla 2Vlc DB more
Premiere: Warsaw, 17.09.2023 (Warsaw Autumn Festival)
Performers: European Workshop for Contemporary Music, dir. Rudiger Bohn
For solo and orchestra
The Time of Stones. Monika Piwowarska im memoriam
for amplified Double Bass and Chamber Orchestra (2002), ca 11'Instrumentation: cb ampl-101(+sxf s., sxf a.)0-2121-vbf chit el. Pf more
(2021), ca 70'
Instrumentation: 1[Picc/AFl] 1 1[PiccCl] 1[CBsn] — 1 1[PiccTpt] 1 0 — Timp 2Perc Elec Pno ElecPno[Sampler] ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings more
Counting Game
for Four Speaking Musicians (1990), ca 3'Instrumentation: batt (2esec) pf cb
Counting Game
for Four Speaking Musicians (1990), ca 3'Instrumentation: batt (2esec) pf cb
From the Depths I Sing
for Wind Instruments, Piano, Guitar and Percussion (1993), ca 20'Instrumentation: 101(+2sxf)0-2121-batt (1esec) pf chit more
Metaphysical Ballad
for Chamber Orchestra (1990), ca 8'Instrumentation: 101(+2sxf)0-2121-batt (1esec) 2chit pf
Numerous Branches of Ramified Plaits
for Clarinet, Piano and Violoncello (1988), ca 16'The Poster
for chamber orchestra (2023), ca 10'Instrumentation: 2 0 3[1.2.BCl] 0 — 0 2 0 0 — 3Perc Pno Acc — 2Vln 2Vla 2Vlc DB more
Premiere: Warsaw, 17.09.2023 (Warsaw Autumn Festival)
Performers: European Workshop for Contemporary Music, dir. Rudiger Bohn
The Time of Stones. Monika Piwowarska im memoriam
for amplified Double Bass and Chamber Orchestra (2002), ca 11'Instrumentation: cb ampl-101(+sxf s., sxf a.)0-2121-vbf chit el. Pf more
(2021), ca 70'
Instrumentation: 1[Picc/AFl] 1 1[PiccCl] 1[CBsn] — 1 1[PiccTpt] 1 0 — Timp 2Perc Elec Pno ElecPno[Sampler] ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings more
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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