Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Commencement de siecle

for chamber ensemble and live electronics

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  • Cat. no. 11087


Commencement de siécle written ''in a hurry'' with a view to the Warsaw Autumn Festival in 1999 is in my opinion a ''response'' to Stanisław Krupowiczs work Fin de siecle. While Krupowicz summarized the twentieth century in a perverse manner, Mykietyn gives an intriguing allegory of the beginning of the new century in his piece. Intriguing, because the aura of fun, postmodern play, reigning in the surface layer, inexplicably rouses concern, as if anticipating a disaster. Mykietyns bold discourse with postmodernism aroused a wide response and much controversy, as well as being a direction taken by the composer as an obvious continuation of the style of Paweł Szymański. The work of the latter, as I have thought almost from the very beginning, is ''late'' creative work (in the sense of depth, internal working out, and the aura of decline), therefore it is difficult for a young, aspiring artist to treat it as a springboard for their own ideas. Mykietyn took a risk however, and at an early age reached deep conclusions about the condition of contemporary creators and man, representing a diagnosis of musical (and other) realities.

  • Language of edition: eng, pol
  • Number of pages: 22
  • Cover: softcover
  • Type: score
  • Size: A3 vertical

9,00 EUR
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