Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Concerto for Cello and Orchestra

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  • Cat. no. 11086


''The cello is a special instrument in Paweł Mykietyns works. Its function can be likened to a kind of vox humanae - a representation of the human inside, human thought and reflection. The Concerto for Cello and Orchestra fits into this line of thought, as a work clearly suggestive of non-musical content. Although no existence of ''characters'' or ''heroes'' has been confirmed by the composer, a careful listening to most of Mykietyns works seems to confirm the thesis that they are treaties in sound about the condition of modern man. Judging by the atmosphere created by this writer, this is a very poor condition, constantly threatened by the negative influences of today. The solo part is formed so to suggest uncertainty and confusion, yet here the dependence of the alleged ''hero'' of the drama on his surrounding reality is very pronounced. Motifs and chords presented by the soloist immediately penetrate into the orchestra, creating a sinister banter and teasing. Time and time again the cello solo tries to escape, draw away from this dependence, but without success. Tonal chords play here the role of themes and ideas, and their references to the music of past eras fulfil the function of borrowings. This conscious decision by the composer suggests the main ''hero'' is completely uncertain of his independence - and he often seems to 'speak'' others thoughts and words. The climate of the music underlines a non-uniform texture, rich in detached motives and chords. Through this, Mykietyns Concerto for Cello takes the form of a musical drama, with a lonely man at its centre.

  • Language of edition: eng, pol
  • Number of pages: 36
  • Cover: softcover
  • Type: score
  • Size: A3 vertical

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