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Concerto for Piano and Orchestra

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  • Cat. no. 11084


The Concerto for Piano and Orchestra was created with the excellent Polish pianist, an outstanding interpretator of contemporary works, Ewa Pobłocka, in mind. The composer pointedly ignored the great romantic tradition by creating a grotesque game of allusions and meanings in his piece. The work begins quite indecisively, the grotesque and irregular movement in the orchestral background is entwined with individual sounds of the soloist. The vague course of the narrative is momentarily suspended, revealing held notes ''hidden'' beneath it. Layering of the music leads to a sequence of chordal repetition, and in the climax a loud percussion episode appears, evoking associations with the clatter of pots falling, which gives the impression ... of dismantling the existing course of the action. The expressively subdued second movement consists of a series of instrumental fragments, which are the background for the piano which is freely flowing, as if in isolation from the orchestral narrative. A long crescendo on the tam-tam announces the moment of transition to the final movement, pre-empting the toccato-like movement in the orchestra. A number of humorous stylistic allusions, among which the listener may find unsuccessful attempts to introduce classical serenades, pastiche fragments of neo-romantic piano concertos (a clear allusion to Tchaikovsky!), there is no lack of reminiscences of the music of the twentieth century and, finally, an ironically boorish ''imitation'' of the soloist by the clarinet. The whole is crowned by a quasi-cadenza and an irritatingly lengthy sustained final consonance.

  • Language of edition: eng, pol
  • Number of pages: 60
  • Cover: softcover
  • Type: score
  • Size: A3 vertical

24,00 EUR
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