Missa pastoritia
for Vocal-Instrumental Ensemble
A series of selected works of early Polish music in critical edition based on sources. Initiator and first general editor of the series in 1928-52 - Adolf Chybiński, followed in turn in 1953-62 by Hieronim Feicht, 1963-67 by H. Feicht and Z.M. Szweykowski.
- Editor: Remigiusz Pośpiech, Hubert Prochota
- Series: Early Polish Music Publications
- Language of text: lat
- Number of pages: 94
- Cover: softcover
- No. of edition: 1
- Published: 1996
- Type: score
- Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)
Other titles in the series
Adam Jarzębski
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Voice(s) and orchestra (ensemble)
Juliusz Łuciuk
Tool of the Light
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Stabat Mater
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