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The Magic Cello

for cello and piano

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  • Cat. no. 13093


The pieces in Zaczarowana wiolonczela [The magic cello] are aimed at pupils of primary and early secondary schools of music. This album, like my first publication Moja wiolonczela [My cello], was inspired by my many years’ experience teaching the cello. These works explore a variety of technical and interpretational issues and enable young cellists to develop their musical imagination.

Agnieszka Kaszuba

  • Series:
  • ISMN 979-0-2740-3792-5
  • Language of edition: eng, pol
  • Number of pages: 16+28
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 1
  • Published: 2022
  • Type: solo part (instrumental) + accompaniment
  • Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)

Table of contents:
Wake-up Call
The Chase II
Autumn Reverie
The Train
The Hopper
The Needle Danced with the Thread
Spring Waltz
Children’s Variations on an original theme

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