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Works from PWM catalogue
Alla breve
for piano solo (2005), ca 5' morePublikacje powiązane: The Most Beautiful Lutosławski, Hommage a Bach, Negro Spirituals, Four Miniatures,
Stage Music
Chamber Opera in 1 Act (1977), ca 30'Instrumentation: solo: S MS Dancers(Rttl, Mar, Guiro, Clav, SlghBlls, Tri, Cast, Tamb, WdBlck), 2 0 2 0 — 0 0 2 0 — 2Perc[I: Vib, 4TempleBlck, 4Toms, 2WdBlck, SDr without snares, SuspCym, SlghBlls; II: Mrmba, BDr, 2SuspCym, 2WdBlck] Pno Cel — 7Vln 2Vlc more
Premiere: Warsaw, 12.03.1979
Performers: Warsaw Chamber Opera, J.Kaspszyk (dir), E.Ignatowicz (S), L.Juranek (MS)
Order: publication on demand
(1992), ca 80'Instrumentation: solo: S MS T Bar B, MixedCh ChildrCh — 0 0 1 0 — 0 1 0 0 — 2Perc[2Timp, BDr, TDr, SDr, Tamb, Vib, Xyl, 2Bongo, Congas, 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, Ratchet, Whip, Flex, 3SuspCym, 2Gong, Revolver, Klaxon] — 2Vln Vla Vlc more
Madame Curie
Opera in Three acts (2011), ca 110Instrumentation: solo: 3S 3MS 2T 3Bar Actors, MixedCh — 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 3Perc[4Timp, BDr, 4Toms, 4Bongo, 2SDr, TamT, Xylor, Bells, 2Crot, 3SuspCym, 4WdBlck, 4TempleBlck, Rttl, Guiro, Flex, Whip, Metal Sheet, Crash Glass, 3Paper Sheets, 2Metal Bar (TamT, Harp), 3Cyms, Gun shot] ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings
Electronic Music
Happy Valenciennes
for saxophones, tape and live electronics (2012), ca 48'Instrumentation: SSax 7ASax 2TSax 2BarSax BSax — Elec Tape more
Premiere: Phénix, Valenciennes, 24.11.2012
Performers: Michel Supéra, sudents of the Mons and Valenciennes Conservatories (sax), Elżbieta Sikora (tape), Carl Faia (live electronics)
Order: commission from Art Zoyd Studios withthe financial support of the European Regional Development Fund Interreg IV
Sonosphère I. Twilling
for oboe, strings and live electronics (2013), ca 20'Instrumentation: 0 1 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB more
Premiere: Paris, 06.09.2013
Performers: Hélène Devilleneuve (ob), Ensemble Court-Circuit; Jean Deroyer.(dir.)
Order: Ensemble Court-Circuit
Wrocław Symphony. Sonosphere III and IV
for orchestra and electronics (2017/2024), ca 30'Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 4 4 4 1 — 5Perc Elec Pno Harp — Strings(7 6/5/4/3) more
Premiere: Wratislavia, 19.05.2017 (Musica Electronica Nova)
Performers: NFM Symohony Orchestra, dir. David Fulmer, IRCAM
Sonosphère I. Twilling
for oboe, strings and live electronics (2013), ca 20'Instrumentation: 0 1 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB more
Premiere: Paris, 06.09.2013
Performers: Hélène Devilleneuve (ob), Ensemble Court-Circuit; Jean Deroyer.(dir.)
Order: Ensemble Court-Circuit
For Chamber Orchestra
For solo and orchestra
pour viole de gambe et ensemble instrumental (1995), ca 17'Instrumentation: solo: VladG, 1[Picc] 1 1[BCl] 1 — 1 0 0 0 — 2Perc [I: Vib, 4TempleBlck, 3WdBlck, Tamb, Rttl, Mar, Gong, Cyms, 2Toms, 4Bongo,Tri, Flex; II: 4Timp, BDr, SDr, TamT, Whip, Gong, Cyms, 4Toms, 4Bongo, Tri, Flex] Harp — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB more
Premiere: Paris, 23.05.1996, Espace Contemporain, Salle Olivier Messiaen, Radio France
Performers: Soloists of Soliści Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Annick Minck (dir.), Elisabeth Matiffa (v.da gamba)
Order: publication on demand (Commission: Radio France)
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1
Hommage à Frédéric Chopin (2000), ca 26'Instrumentation: solo: Pno, 2 2 2[1.2/BCl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Xylor, 3SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 4Bongo, Whip, Mar, Paper sheet; II: Gong(or TamT), 4Toms, Bells(or Vib), Tri, Guiro; III: 2Tim, BDr, SDr, Rttl, Clav] Harp — Strings
Concerto pour violon et orchestre
(2018), ca 25'Instrumentation: solo: Vln, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2[1.2/BCl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: SlghBlls, 2Cyms, Sandpaper, Guiro, Ratchet, Xylor; II: Guiro, WdBlck, SDr, Whip, 4Toms, Flex, 2Cyms, TamT; III: SlghBlls, WdBlck, 3SuspCym, BDr, Timp] — Strings more
Premiere: Katowice, 29.03.2019
Performers: NOSPR, Jose Maria Florencio (dir.), Linus Roth (vn)
Dedication: Zbigniew Naliwajek
Order: Composing Commissions by IMIT, National Symphony Orchestra of Polish Radio (NOSPR)
Hommage a Frederic Chopin
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra - score (1999–2000), ca 26' morePremiere: 22.01.2000 Paris, Grand Auditorium de l'UNESCO
Performers: Jean-Efflam Bavouzet (pfte), Narodowa Orkiestra Symfoniczna Polskiego Radia, Antoni Wit (dir.)
Koncert oliwski
for organ and orchestra (2007), ca 25'Instrumentation: solo: Org, 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[SDr, BDr, 4Toms, Tri, Xylor, SuspCym, Flex, WdBlck, 4Cyms, Timp, TamT, 4Toms, Bongo, Chms, RnStck, SlghBlls, Guiro, TempleBlck, Cast, Conga] Harp — Strings more
Organ Concerto No.2
(2007/2020), ca 20'Instrumentation: Solo: Organ 2[1/Picc.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 1 — 2Perc Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Lodz, 03.06.2022
Performers: Artur Rubinstein Phiharmonic Orchestra of Lodz, dir. Paweł Przytocki, sol. Mari Fukumoto
Sonosphère V. Wanda Landowska
for orchestra and electric guitar (2019), ca 20'Instrumentation: solo: ElGtr, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc Harp — Strings more
South Shore
Concertino for Harp Blue and Orchestra (2008), ca 25'Instrumentation: solo: Harp, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Xylor, Cym, Bongo, 4TempleBlck, Bells, SDr, 4WdBlck, Guiro, RnStck, SlghBlls, Flex; II: 4Toms, TamT, Tamb, Cym, Metal/Paper Sheet, Regle, 4WdBlck, RnStck, Rttl, Sandpaper; III: 4Timp, Mar, Guiro,Whip, Cym, WdBlck, Flex, RnStck] — Strings
Orchestral Works
Ecce homo
for orchestra. Hommage à Jan Paweł II (1999), ca 8'Instrumentation: 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[I: Vib, Gong, Bells, Cym, 2WdBlck, 4TempleBlck, 2Mar; II: 4Toms, 2Cyms, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Flex, Tri, Rttl; III: BDr, SDr, 3Cyms, Flex, Guiro; IV: 4Timp, Rttl, Flex, 4Bongo] Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Gdańsk, 5.06.1999
Performers: Baltic Philarmonics, Zygmunt Rychert (dir.)
Order: print on demand
Five Miniatures
(2013), ca 15'Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 1 — 3Perc[I: TamT, 3Timp, 4WdBlck, Guiro, Flex, Rttl, Sandpaper; II: 2SuspCym, Xylor, Handbells, Flex, SDr, Guiro, Chm, Rttl; III: Sandpaper, BDr, 3SuspCym, Guiro, 4Toms, Rttl, SDr, Handbells, Flex, 4WdBlck, Whip, Chm] — Strings
Liquid air
for orchestra (2021), ca 16'Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc/AFl] 2 2[1.BCl/Cl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc — Strings(12 10/8/6/4) more
Premiere: Warszawa, 17.09.2021 (Warsaw Autumn Festival)
Performers: The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond.Vincent Kozlovsky
Order: Warsaw Autumn
Concerto for Saxophone and Orchestra - score (2006), ca 35'Instrumentation: solo: SSSax[SSax/ASax], 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[I: Xylor, 4SuspCym, 4Bongo, 4Toms, Rttl, Flex, RnStck, Cyms, Sandpaper; II: 4Timp, SDr, 4SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Mar, Tri, 4Bongo, Rttl, Guiro, RnStck, Cyms, Flex; III: 4Toms, TamT, 3SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Mar, SlghBlls, Wood WindChms, Flex, Cyms, Rttl, Bongo, SDr, BDr; IV: BDr, 4Bongo, 4TempleBlck, 3SuspCym, Guiro, Cyms, RnStck, WdBlck, Mar, SDr] Harp — Strings
for orchestra (2023), ca 12Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 3 0 — 3Perc Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Zielona Góra, 01.03.2024
Performers: Zielona Góra Philharmonics, dir. Anna Sułkowska-Migoń
from Suite No. 3 ‘Baroque’ (1997), ca 7'Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2— 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Vib, Gong, BDr, SDr, Bongo, WdBlck, Mar, SlghBlls; II: Timp, Conga, Bongo,WdBlck, Tri, Rttl; III: 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, 2SuspCym] — Strings
Suite No. 3 ‘Baroque’
(1997), ca 21'Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Vib, Gong, BDr, SDr, Tamb, 4Bongo, 2WdBlck, Clav, Guiro, Mar, Tri, SlghBlls, Flex; II: Timp, Conga, 4Bongo, TamT, 2WdBlck, Guiro, Rttl, Flex, Tri, Whip; III: 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, Clav, 2SuspCym, Bells, Paper Sheet, Rttl, Mar, Flex, Whip] — Strings
Symphony ‘Ombres’
(1990), ca 15'Instrumentation: 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3 3 — 4 2 2 1 — 4Perc[I: 4Timp, SuspCym, Flex, Rttl, Tri, 4TempleBlck, Whip, 4Bongo, Mar, Gong(or TamT), Geophone; II: BDr, 4Toms, Xyl, SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2Mar, 4Bongo; III: Vib, SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, Mar, Flex, Gong(or Tmt), 2Bells(or Vib), 2WdBlck, Geophone; IV: Mrmba, TDr, Gong(or Tamt), SuspCym, 2Toms, 4Bongo,Wood WindChms, Rttl] Pno — Strings(18 15/12/9/8) more
Wrocław Symphony. Sonosphere III and IV
for orchestra and electronics (2017/2024), ca 30'Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 4 4 4 1 — 5Perc Elec Pno Harp — Strings(7 6/5/4/3) more
Premiere: Wratislavia, 19.05.2017 (Musica Electronica Nova)
Performers: NFM Symohony Orchestra, dir. David Fulmer, IRCAM
(2018), ca 7'
Instrumentation: solo: S, [1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — Timp 3Perc ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings
Chant Europe
for 3 children choirs and chamber orchestra (1993), ca 20'Instrumentation: 3ChildrCh — 1 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 0 – Perc[4Timp, BDr, Gong, Cyms, 4Toms, 2Bongo, SDr, Tamb, 2TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Ratchet, Flex, 2Clav, Bmboo Chms] Harp Pno[Synth] — Strings more
Premiere: Angoulême, Théâtre Municipal, 24.06.1993
Performers: 250 Childrens from Poitou- Charentes, Opus 16, Jacques Pési (dir.)
Order: publication on demand
Cinéma, cinéma
for childrens choir and chamber orchestra (1994), ca 25'Instrumentation: ChildrCh — 1 0 2 0 — 0 1 1 1 — Perc [BDr, 4Toms, SDr, Ratchet, Gong, Cyms, 2WdBlck, Tri, Flex, Bmboo Chms, Whip] Pno Acc — Strings(without Vlc) more
Premiere: Angoulême, June 1994
Performers: Childrens Choir from Charente, Opus 16, Jacques Pési (dir.)
Order: publication on demand
Gdańsk oratorio ‒ Omnia tempus habent
(1997), ca 50'Instrumentation: solo: A, ChildrCh MixedCh — 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 3Perc[Vib, Bells, 4Timp, BDr, 4Toms, SDr, 4Bongo, Congas, Ratchet, 3Gong, 2Cyms, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Tri, SlghBlls, Whip, Metal, 3Guiro, Geophone, Whistle, 2Mar] Harp Org — Strings more
(1992), ca 80'Instrumentation: solo: S MS T Bar B, MixedCh ChildrCh — 0 0 1 0 — 0 1 0 0 — 2Perc[2Timp, BDr, TDr, SDr, Tamb, Vib, Xyl, 2Bongo, Congas, 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, Ratchet, Whip, Flex, 3SuspCym, 2Gong, Revolver, Klaxon] — 2Vln Vla Vlc more
Maître renard et maître corbeau et le laboureur et ses enfants
(1999), ca 3'Instrumentation: ChildrCh — 1 0 1 Sax 0 — 0 1 0 0 — Perc[4Toms, 2Bongo, SDr, 4TempleBlck, 2Cyms, Flex, Ratchet] Pno — Vln DB more
Song of Salomon
(1989), ca 18'Instrumentation: solo: S, 0 1 1 1 — 0 0 0 0 — Perc [Vib, BDr, 4Toms, 2Bongo, WdBlck, 3SuspCym, Gong, Bmboo Chms, Flex, Ratchet] — Vln Vla Vlc more
for two solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra (2022), ca 33Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc — Strings(6 5/4/3/2) more
Chamber Opera in 1 Act (1977), ca 30'Instrumentation: solo: S MS Dancers(Rttl, Mar, Guiro, Clav, SlghBlls, Tri, Cast, Tamb, WdBlck), 2 0 2 0 — 0 0 2 0 — 2Perc[I: Vib, 4TempleBlck, 4Toms, 2WdBlck, SDr without snares, SuspCym, SlghBlls; II: Mrmba, BDr, 2SuspCym, 2WdBlck] Pno Cel — 7Vln 2Vlc more
Premiere: Warsaw, 12.03.1979
Performers: Warsaw Chamber Opera, J.Kaspszyk (dir), E.Ignatowicz (S), L.Juranek (MS)
Order: publication on demand
pour viole de gambe et ensemble instrumental (1995), ca 17'Instrumentation: solo: VladG, 1[Picc] 1 1[BCl] 1 — 1 0 0 0 — 2Perc [I: Vib, 4TempleBlck, 3WdBlck, Tamb, Rttl, Mar, Gong, Cyms, 2Toms, 4Bongo,Tri, Flex; II: 4Timp, BDr, SDr, TamT, Whip, Gong, Cyms, 4Toms, 4Bongo, Tri, Flex] Harp — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB more
Premiere: Paris, 23.05.1996, Espace Contemporain, Salle Olivier Messiaen, Radio France
Performers: Soloists of Soliści Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Annick Minck (dir.), Elisabeth Matiffa (v.da gamba)
Order: publication on demand (Commission: Radio France)
Chant Europe
for 3 children choirs and chamber orchestra (1993), ca 20'Instrumentation: 3ChildrCh — 1 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 0 – Perc[4Timp, BDr, Gong, Cyms, 4Toms, 2Bongo, SDr, Tamb, 2TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Ratchet, Flex, 2Clav, Bmboo Chms] Harp Pno[Synth] — Strings more
Premiere: Angoulême, Théâtre Municipal, 24.06.1993
Performers: 250 Childrens from Poitou- Charentes, Opus 16, Jacques Pési (dir.)
Order: publication on demand
Cinéma, cinéma
for childrens choir and chamber orchestra (1994), ca 25'Instrumentation: ChildrCh — 1 0 2 0 — 0 1 1 1 — Perc [BDr, 4Toms, SDr, Ratchet, Gong, Cyms, 2WdBlck, Tri, Flex, Bmboo Chms, Whip] Pno Acc — Strings(without Vlc) more
Premiere: Angoulême, June 1994
Performers: Childrens Choir from Charente, Opus 16, Jacques Pési (dir.)
Order: publication on demand
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1
Hommage à Frédéric Chopin (2000), ca 26'Instrumentation: solo: Pno, 2 2 2[1.2/BCl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Xylor, 3SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 4Bongo, Whip, Mar, Paper sheet; II: Gong(or TamT), 4Toms, Bells(or Vib), Tri, Guiro; III: 2Tim, BDr, SDr, Rttl, Clav] Harp — Strings
Concerto pour violon et orchestre
(2018), ca 25'Instrumentation: solo: Vln, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2[1.2/BCl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: SlghBlls, 2Cyms, Sandpaper, Guiro, Ratchet, Xylor; II: Guiro, WdBlck, SDr, Whip, 4Toms, Flex, 2Cyms, TamT; III: SlghBlls, WdBlck, 3SuspCym, BDr, Timp] — Strings more
Premiere: Katowice, 29.03.2019
Performers: NOSPR, Jose Maria Florencio (dir.), Linus Roth (vn)
Dedication: Zbigniew Naliwajek
Order: Composing Commissions by IMIT, National Symphony Orchestra of Polish Radio (NOSPR)
Ecce homo
for orchestra. Hommage à Jan Paweł II (1999), ca 8'Instrumentation: 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[I: Vib, Gong, Bells, Cym, 2WdBlck, 4TempleBlck, 2Mar; II: 4Toms, 2Cyms, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Flex, Tri, Rttl; III: BDr, SDr, 3Cyms, Flex, Guiro; IV: 4Timp, Rttl, Flex, 4Bongo] Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Gdańsk, 5.06.1999
Performers: Baltic Philarmonics, Zygmunt Rychert (dir.)
Order: print on demand
Five Miniatures
(2013), ca 15'Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 1 — 3Perc[I: TamT, 3Timp, 4WdBlck, Guiro, Flex, Rttl, Sandpaper; II: 2SuspCym, Xylor, Handbells, Flex, SDr, Guiro, Chm, Rttl; III: Sandpaper, BDr, 3SuspCym, Guiro, 4Toms, Rttl, SDr, Handbells, Flex, 4WdBlck, Whip, Chm] — Strings
Gdańsk oratorio ‒ Omnia tempus habent
(1997), ca 50'Instrumentation: solo: A, ChildrCh MixedCh — 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 3Perc[Vib, Bells, 4Timp, BDr, 4Toms, SDr, 4Bongo, Congas, Ratchet, 3Gong, 2Cyms, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Tri, SlghBlls, Whip, Metal, 3Guiro, Geophone, Whistle, 2Mar] Harp Org — Strings more
Happy Valenciennes
for saxophones, tape and live electronics (2012), ca 48'Instrumentation: SSax 7ASax 2TSax 2BarSax BSax — Elec Tape more
Premiere: Phénix, Valenciennes, 24.11.2012
Performers: Michel Supéra, sudents of the Mons and Valenciennes Conservatories (sax), Elżbieta Sikora (tape), Carl Faia (live electronics)
Order: commission from Art Zoyd Studios withthe financial support of the European Regional Development Fund Interreg IV
Hommage a Frederic Chopin
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra - score (1999–2000), ca 26' morePremiere: 22.01.2000 Paris, Grand Auditorium de l'UNESCO
Performers: Jean-Efflam Bavouzet (pfte), Narodowa Orkiestra Symfoniczna Polskiego Radia, Antoni Wit (dir.)
Koncert oliwski
for organ and orchestra (2007), ca 25'Instrumentation: solo: Org, 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[SDr, BDr, 4Toms, Tri, Xylor, SuspCym, Flex, WdBlck, 4Cyms, Timp, TamT, 4Toms, Bongo, Chms, RnStck, SlghBlls, Guiro, TempleBlck, Cast, Conga] Harp — Strings more
(1992), ca 80'Instrumentation: solo: S MS T Bar B, MixedCh ChildrCh — 0 0 1 0 — 0 1 0 0 — 2Perc[2Timp, BDr, TDr, SDr, Tamb, Vib, Xyl, 2Bongo, Congas, 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, Ratchet, Whip, Flex, 3SuspCym, 2Gong, Revolver, Klaxon] — 2Vln Vla Vlc more
Liquid air
for orchestra (2021), ca 16'Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc/AFl] 2 2[1.BCl/Cl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc — Strings(12 10/8/6/4) more
Premiere: Warszawa, 17.09.2021 (Warsaw Autumn Festival)
Performers: The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond.Vincent Kozlovsky
Order: Warsaw Autumn
Madame Curie
Opera in Three acts (2011), ca 110Instrumentation: solo: 3S 3MS 2T 3Bar Actors, MixedCh — 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 3Perc[4Timp, BDr, 4Toms, 4Bongo, 2SDr, TamT, Xylor, Bells, 2Crot, 3SuspCym, 4WdBlck, 4TempleBlck, Rttl, Guiro, Flex, Whip, Metal Sheet, Crash Glass, 3Paper Sheets, 2Metal Bar (TamT, Harp), 3Cyms, Gun shot] ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings
Maître renard et maître corbeau et le laboureur et ses enfants
(1999), ca 3'Instrumentation: ChildrCh — 1 0 1 Sax 0 — 0 1 0 0 — Perc[4Toms, 2Bongo, SDr, 4TempleBlck, 2Cyms, Flex, Ratchet] Pno — Vln DB more
Concerto for Saxophone and Orchestra - score (2006), ca 35'Instrumentation: solo: SSSax[SSax/ASax], 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[I: Xylor, 4SuspCym, 4Bongo, 4Toms, Rttl, Flex, RnStck, Cyms, Sandpaper; II: 4Timp, SDr, 4SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Mar, Tri, 4Bongo, Rttl, Guiro, RnStck, Cyms, Flex; III: 4Toms, TamT, 3SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Mar, SlghBlls, Wood WindChms, Flex, Cyms, Rttl, Bongo, SDr, BDr; IV: BDr, 4Bongo, 4TempleBlck, 3SuspCym, Guiro, Cyms, RnStck, WdBlck, Mar, SDr] Harp — Strings
Organ Concerto No.2
(2007/2020), ca 20'Instrumentation: Solo: Organ 2[1/Picc.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 1 — 2Perc Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Lodz, 03.06.2022
Performers: Artur Rubinstein Phiharmonic Orchestra of Lodz, dir. Paweł Przytocki, sol. Mari Fukumoto
for orchestra (2023), ca 12Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 3 0 — 3Perc Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Zielona Góra, 01.03.2024
Performers: Zielona Góra Philharmonics, dir. Anna Sułkowska-Migoń
from Suite No. 3 ‘Baroque’ (1997), ca 7'Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2— 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Vib, Gong, BDr, SDr, Bongo, WdBlck, Mar, SlghBlls; II: Timp, Conga, Bongo,WdBlck, Tri, Rttl; III: 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, 2SuspCym] — Strings
Song of Salomon
(1989), ca 18'Instrumentation: solo: S, 0 1 1 1 — 0 0 0 0 — Perc [Vib, BDr, 4Toms, 2Bongo, WdBlck, 3SuspCym, Gong, Bmboo Chms, Flex, Ratchet] — Vln Vla Vlc more
Sonosphère I. Twilling
for oboe, strings and live electronics (2013), ca 20'Instrumentation: 0 1 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB more
Premiere: Paris, 06.09.2013
Performers: Hélène Devilleneuve (ob), Ensemble Court-Circuit; Jean Deroyer.(dir.)
Order: Ensemble Court-Circuit
Sonosphère V. Wanda Landowska
for orchestra and electric guitar (2019), ca 20'Instrumentation: solo: ElGtr, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc Harp — Strings more
South Shore
Concertino for Harp Blue and Orchestra (2008), ca 25'Instrumentation: solo: Harp, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Xylor, Cym, Bongo, 4TempleBlck, Bells, SDr, 4WdBlck, Guiro, RnStck, SlghBlls, Flex; II: 4Toms, TamT, Tamb, Cym, Metal/Paper Sheet, Regle, 4WdBlck, RnStck, Rttl, Sandpaper; III: 4Timp, Mar, Guiro,Whip, Cym, WdBlck, Flex, RnStck] — Strings
Suite No. 3 ‘Baroque’
(1997), ca 21'Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Vib, Gong, BDr, SDr, Tamb, 4Bongo, 2WdBlck, Clav, Guiro, Mar, Tri, SlghBlls, Flex; II: Timp, Conga, 4Bongo, TamT, 2WdBlck, Guiro, Rttl, Flex, Tri, Whip; III: 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, Clav, 2SuspCym, Bells, Paper Sheet, Rttl, Mar, Flex, Whip] — Strings
Symphony ‘Ombres’
(1990), ca 15'Instrumentation: 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3 3 — 4 2 2 1 — 4Perc[I: 4Timp, SuspCym, Flex, Rttl, Tri, 4TempleBlck, Whip, 4Bongo, Mar, Gong(or TamT), Geophone; II: BDr, 4Toms, Xyl, SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2Mar, 4Bongo; III: Vib, SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, Mar, Flex, Gong(or Tmt), 2Bells(or Vib), 2WdBlck, Geophone; IV: Mrmba, TDr, Gong(or Tamt), SuspCym, 2Toms, 4Bongo,Wood WindChms, Rttl] Pno — Strings(18 15/12/9/8) more
for two solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra (2022), ca 33Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc — Strings(6 5/4/3/2) more
for Solo Double Bass (2005), ca 8' more------
Dance from the Ballet "HARNASIE"Trnscription for Violin and Piano from ''Karol Szymanowski - Works'' ed. by T. Chylińska,
Wrocław Symphony. Sonosphere III and IV
for orchestra and electronics (2017/2024), ca 30'Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 4 4 4 1 — 5Perc Elec Pno Harp — Strings(7 6/5/4/3) more
Premiere: Wratislavia, 19.05.2017 (Musica Electronica Nova)
Performers: NFM Symohony Orchestra, dir. David Fulmer, IRCAM
(2018), ca 7'
Instrumentation: solo: S, [1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — Timp 3Perc ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings
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