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by alphabet by cathegories
Works from PWM catalogue
Chromatic Fantasy
('The Son Is Scrumptious') for Harpsichord (2003), ca ''8'30''Instrumentation: cemb
Reflected Art. Gallery. Room No. 6 B
for One Pianist (2000), ca 9'30''Instrumentation: pf
Works in Anthologies
Anthology of Contemporary Music - Oboe
(I: 1964, II: 1997, III: 1997, IV: 1996, V: 1996), ca I: 6', II: 8', III: 11', IV: 12'. V: 4'Instrumentation: ob
Christmas Carols
for Flute, Violin and Piano in Various ArrangementsInstrumentation: fl, vn, pf more
Shortly on Line
for Flute, Clarinet, Piano, Violin and Double Bass (2001), ca 5'Instrumentation: fl anche fl.p, cl in B anche cl.b,vn, cb, pfte
Two Pictures without an Exhibition
for Percussion, Cello and Piano (1996), ca 9'Instrumentation: batt vc pf
For Chamber Orchestra
Concerto for 9
for Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Trombone, Piano, Harp, Violin, Viola and Cello (1995-97), ca 24'Instrumentation: 1011-01(ossia oboe)00-ar pf-archi (
For solo and orchestra
Cello Concerto
(2024), ca 20'Instrumentation: Solo:Cello 2[1/Picc.2/Picc] 2 2 2[1.2/CBsn] — 4 3 3 1 — Timp 3Perc Harp — Strings
for Symphony Orchestra and Organ (2004), ca 15'Instrumentation: 322(+ cl.b)2(+cfb)-4331-batt(4-6esec) 2fsm org-archi ( a 5 corde)
Figures in the Colour of Background
rhapsody for violin solo and string orchestra (2016), ca 17'Orchestral Works
for Symphony Orchestra (2013), ca 11'Instrumentation: 3333-4331-batt(7esec) cel ar-archi (
One Day Symphony for symphonic orchestra
based on the poetry by K. K. Baczyński (2020/2021), ca 21'Instrumentation: 4[1/Picc.2/Pic.Picc] 3[1.2.3/EngHn] 3[1.2.3/BCl] 3[1.2.3/CBsn] — 4 3 3 1 — 5Perc Pno Harp — Strings(14 12/10/10/8) more
for Orchestra (2006), ca 12'Instrumentation: 2222-4220-batt(3esec)-pf fsm-archi(
Choral Music
Prayer to Mother of God in Guadalupe
for unaccompanied mixed choir (choral score)Instrumentation: SSATBB
Prayer to our Merciful God
for unaccompanied mixed choir (choral score) (2012), ca 2'30Instrumentation: SMsATB more
Premiere: 21 IV 2014, Warszawa
Performers: Chór Polskiego Radia, Włodzimierz Siedlik (dir.)
Psalmus CL
for unaccompanied mixed choir (choral score) (1996), ca 3'Instrumentation: 2S 2A 2T 2B more
Premiere: 3 V 1997, Częstochowa
Performers: Schola Cantorum Gedanensis, Jan Łukaszewski (dir)
Anthology of Contemporary Music - Oboe
(I: 1964, II: 1997, III: 1997, IV: 1996, V: 1996), ca I: 6', II: 8', III: 11', IV: 12'. V: 4'Instrumentation: ob
Cello Concerto
(2024), ca 20'Instrumentation: Solo:Cello 2[1/Picc.2/Picc] 2 2 2[1.2/CBsn] — 4 3 3 1 — Timp 3Perc Harp — Strings
Christmas Carols
for Flute, Violin and Piano in Various ArrangementsInstrumentation: fl, vn, pf more
Chromatic Fantasy
('The Son Is Scrumptious') for Harpsichord (2003), ca ''8'30''Instrumentation: cemb
Concerto for 9
for Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Trombone, Piano, Harp, Violin, Viola and Cello (1995-97), ca 24'Instrumentation: 1011-01(ossia oboe)00-ar pf-archi (
for Symphony Orchestra and Organ (2004), ca 15'Instrumentation: 322(+ cl.b)2(+cfb)-4331-batt(4-6esec) 2fsm org-archi ( a 5 corde)
for Symphony Orchestra (2013), ca 11'Instrumentation: 3333-4331-batt(7esec) cel ar-archi (
Figures in the Colour of Background
rhapsody for violin solo and string orchestra (2016), ca 17'One Day Symphony for symphonic orchestra
based on the poetry by K. K. Baczyński (2020/2021), ca 21'Instrumentation: 4[1/Picc.2/Pic.Picc] 3[1.2.3/EngHn] 3[1.2.3/BCl] 3[1.2.3/CBsn] — 4 3 3 1 — 5Perc Pno Harp — Strings(14 12/10/10/8) more
for Orchestra (2006), ca 12'Instrumentation: 2222-4220-batt(3esec)-pf fsm-archi(
Prayer to Mother of God in Guadalupe
for unaccompanied mixed choir (choral score)Instrumentation: SSATBB
Prayer to our Merciful God
for unaccompanied mixed choir (choral score) (2012), ca 2'30Instrumentation: SMsATB more
Premiere: 21 IV 2014, Warszawa
Performers: Chór Polskiego Radia, Włodzimierz Siedlik (dir.)
Psalmus CL
for unaccompanied mixed choir (choral score) (1996), ca 3'Instrumentation: 2S 2A 2T 2B more
Premiere: 3 V 1997, Częstochowa
Performers: Schola Cantorum Gedanensis, Jan Łukaszewski (dir)
Reflected Art. Gallery. Room No. 6 B
for One Pianist (2000), ca 9'30''Instrumentation: pf
Shortly on Line
for Flute, Clarinet, Piano, Violin and Double Bass (2001), ca 5'Instrumentation: fl anche fl.p, cl in B anche cl.b,vn, cb, pfte
Two Pictures without an Exhibition
for Percussion, Cello and Piano (1996), ca 9'Instrumentation: batt vc pf
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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