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Elżbieta Sikora

Elżbieta Sikora


by alphabet by cathegories

Works from PWM catalogue


Alla breve

for piano solo (2005), ca 5' more


for Cello (2012), ca 7'

Running North

for carillon (2020), ca 15'

Voyage III

for flute (1981), ca 7'

Stage Music


Chamber Opera in 1 Act (1977), ca 30'
Instrumentation: solo: S MS Dancers(Rttl, Mar, Guiro, Clav, SlghBlls, Tri, Cast, Tamb, WdBlck), 2 0 2 0 — 0 0 2 0 — 2Perc[I: Vib, 4TempleBlck, 4Toms, 2WdBlck, SDr without snares, SuspCym, SlghBlls; II: Mrmba, BDr, 2SuspCym, 2WdBlck] Pno Cel — 7Vln 2Vlc


(1992), ca 80'
Instrumentation: solo: S MS T Bar B, MixedCh ChildrCh — 0 0 1 0 — 0 1 0 0 — 2Perc[2Timp, BDr, TDr, SDr, Tamb, Vib, Xyl, 2Bongo, Congas, 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, Ratchet, Whip, Flex, 3SuspCym, 2Gong, Revolver, Klaxon] — 2Vln Vla Vlc

Madame Curie

Opera in Three acts (2011), ca 110
Instrumentation: solo: 3S 3MS 2T 3Bar Actors, MixedCh — 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 3Perc[4Timp, BDr, 4Toms, 4Bongo, 2SDr, TamT, Xylor, Bells, 2Crot, 3SuspCym, 4WdBlck, 4TempleBlck, Rttl, Guiro, Flex, Whip, Metal Sheet, Crash Glass, 3Paper Sheets, 2Metal Bar (TamT, Harp), 3Cyms, Gun shot] ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings

Electronic Music

Happy Valenciennes

for saxophones, tape and live electronics (2012), ca 48'
Instrumentation: SSax 7ASax 2TSax 2BarSax BSax — Elec Tape

Sonosphère I. Twilling

for oboe, strings and live electronics (2013), ca 20'
Instrumentation: 0 1 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB

Wrocław Symphony. Sonosphere III and IV

for orchestra and electronics (2017/2024), ca 30'
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 4 4 4 1 — 5Perc Elec Pno Harp — Strings(7 6/5/4/3)


...according to Pascal

for trumpet, harp, harpsichord and cello (1976), ca 14'

In memoriam Ursula

String quartet no. 3 (1999), ca 12'


for solo violin and electronics (2019), ca 14'

Sonosphère I. Twilling

for oboe, strings and live electronics (2013), ca 20'
Instrumentation: 0 1 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB

For Chamber Orchestra

Rappel III

pour orchestre à cordes (1998), ca 12'
Instrumentation: strings

For solo and orchestra


pour viole de gambe et ensemble instrumental (1995), ca 17'
Instrumentation: solo: VladG, 1[Picc] 1 1[BCl] 1 — 1 0 0 0 — 2Perc [I: Vib, 4TempleBlck, 3WdBlck, Tamb, Rttl, Mar, Gong, Cyms, 2Toms, 4Bongo,Tri, Flex; II: 4Timp, BDr, SDr, TamT, Whip, Gong, Cyms, 4Toms, 4Bongo, Tri, Flex] Harp — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1

Hommage à Frédéric Chopin (2000), ca 26'
Instrumentation: solo: Pno, 2 2 2[1.2/BCl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Xylor, 3SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 4Bongo, Whip, Mar, Paper sheet; II: Gong(or TamT), 4Toms, Bells(or Vib), Tri, Guiro; III: 2Tim, BDr, SDr, Rttl, Clav] Harp — Strings

Concerto pour violon et orchestre

(2018), ca 25'
Instrumentation: solo: Vln, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2[1.2/BCl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: SlghBlls, 2Cyms, Sandpaper, Guiro, Ratchet, Xylor; II: Guiro, WdBlck, SDr, Whip, 4Toms, Flex, 2Cyms, TamT; III: SlghBlls, WdBlck, 3SuspCym, BDr, Timp] — Strings

Hommage a Frederic Chopin

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra - score (1999–2000), ca 26' more

Koncert oliwski

for organ and orchestra (2007), ca 25'
Instrumentation: solo: Org, 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[SDr, BDr, 4Toms, Tri, Xylor, SuspCym, Flex, WdBlck, 4Cyms, Timp, TamT, 4Toms, Bongo, Chms, RnStck, SlghBlls, Guiro, TempleBlck, Cast, Conga] Harp — Strings


(1987), ca 14'
Instrumentation: solo: S, 1 1 1 1 — 1 0 0 0 — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB

Organ Concerto No.2

(2007/2020), ca 20'
Instrumentation: Solo: Organ 2[1/Picc.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 1 — 2Perc Harp — Strings

Sonosphère V. Wanda Landowska

for orchestra and electric guitar (2019), ca 20'
Instrumentation: solo: ElGtr, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc Harp — Strings

South Shore

Concertino for Harp Blue and Orchestra (2008), ca 25'
Instrumentation: solo: Harp, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Xylor, Cym, Bongo, 4TempleBlck, Bells, SDr, 4WdBlck, Guiro, RnStck, SlghBlls, Flex; II: 4Toms, TamT, Tamb, Cym, Metal/Paper Sheet, Regle, 4WdBlck, RnStck, Rttl, Sandpaper; III: 4Timp, Mar, Guiro,Whip, Cym, WdBlck, Flex, RnStck] — Strings

Orchestral Works

Ecce homo

for orchestra. Hommage à Jan Paweł II (1999), ca 8'
Instrumentation: 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[I: Vib, Gong, Bells, Cym, 2WdBlck, 4TempleBlck, 2Mar; II: 4Toms, 2Cyms, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Flex, Tri, Rttl; III: BDr, SDr, 3Cyms, Flex, Guiro; IV: 4Timp, Rttl, Flex, 4Bongo] Harp — Strings

Five Miniatures

(2013), ca 15'
Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 1 — 3Perc[I: TamT, 3Timp, 4WdBlck, Guiro, Flex, Rttl, Sandpaper; II: 2SuspCym, Xylor, Handbells, Flex, SDr, Guiro, Chm, Rttl; III: Sandpaper, BDr, 3SuspCym, Guiro, 4Toms, Rttl, SDr, Handbells, Flex, 4WdBlck, Whip, Chm] — Strings

Five Miniatures

for Orchestra (2013), ca 15'

Liquid air

for orchestra (2021), ca 16'
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc/AFl] 2 2[1.BCl/Cl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc — Strings(12 10/8/6/4)


Concerto for Saxophone and Orchestra - score (2006), ca 35'
Instrumentation: solo: SSSax[SSax/ASax], 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[I: Xylor, 4SuspCym, 4Bongo, 4Toms, Rttl, Flex, RnStck, Cyms, Sandpaper; II: 4Timp, SDr, 4SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Mar, Tri, 4Bongo, Rttl, Guiro, RnStck, Cyms, Flex; III: 4Toms, TamT, 3SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Mar, SlghBlls, Wood WindChms, Flex, Cyms, Rttl, Bongo, SDr, BDr; IV: BDr, 4Bongo, 4TempleBlck, 3SuspCym, Guiro, Cyms, RnStck, WdBlck, Mar, SDr] Harp — Strings


for orchestra (2023), ca 12
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 3 0 — 3Perc Harp — Strings


from Suite No. 3 ‘Baroque’ (1997), ca 7'
Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2— 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Vib, Gong, BDr, SDr, Bongo, WdBlck, Mar, SlghBlls; II: Timp, Conga, Bongo,WdBlck, Tri, Rttl; III: 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, 2SuspCym] — Strings

Suite No. 3 ‘Baroque’

(1997), ca 21'
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Vib, Gong, BDr, SDr, Tamb, 4Bongo, 2WdBlck, Clav, Guiro, Mar, Tri, SlghBlls, Flex; II: Timp, Conga, 4Bongo, TamT, 2WdBlck, Guiro, Rttl, Flex, Tri, Whip; III: 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, Clav, 2SuspCym, Bells, Paper Sheet, Rttl, Mar, Flex, Whip] — Strings

Symphony ‘Ombres’

(1990), ca 15'
Instrumentation: 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3 3 — 4 2 2 1 — 4Perc[I: 4Timp, SuspCym, Flex, Rttl, Tri, 4TempleBlck, Whip, 4Bongo, Mar, Gong(or TamT), Geophone; II: BDr, 4Toms, Xyl, SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2Mar, 4Bongo; III: Vib, SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, Mar, Flex, Gong(or Tmt), 2Bells(or Vib), 2WdBlck, Geophone; IV: Mrmba, TDr, Gong(or Tamt), SuspCym, 2Toms, 4Bongo,Wood WindChms, Rttl] Pno — Strings(18 15/12/9/8)

Wrocław Symphony. Sonosphere III and IV

for orchestra and electronics (2017/2024), ca 30'
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 4 4 4 1 — 5Perc Elec Pno Harp — Strings(7 6/5/4/3)


(2018), ca 7'
Instrumentation: solo: S, [1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — Timp 3Perc ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings

Chant Europe

for 3 children choirs and chamber orchestra (1993), ca 20'
Instrumentation: 3ChildrCh — 1 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 0 – Perc[4Timp, BDr, Gong, Cyms, 4Toms, 2Bongo, SDr, Tamb, 2TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Ratchet, Flex, 2Clav, Bmboo Chms] Harp Pno[Synth] — Strings

Cinéma, cinéma

for childrens choir and chamber orchestra (1994), ca 25'
Instrumentation: ChildrCh — 1 0 2 0 — 0 1 1 1 — Perc [BDr, 4Toms, SDr, Ratchet, Gong, Cyms, 2WdBlck, Tri, Flex, Bmboo Chms, Whip] Pno Acc — Strings(without Vlc)

Gdańsk oratorio ‒ Omnia tempus habent

(1997), ca 50'
Instrumentation: solo: A, ChildrCh MixedCh — 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 3Perc[Vib, Bells, 4Timp, BDr, 4Toms, SDr, 4Bongo, Congas, Ratchet, 3Gong, 2Cyms, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Tri, SlghBlls, Whip, Metal, 3Guiro, Geophone, Whistle, 2Mar] Harp Org — Strings

Heart Brightening Songs

(1973), ca 12'
Instrumentation: solo: S, 1 1 1 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Vln Vlc


(1992), ca 80'
Instrumentation: solo: S MS T Bar B, MixedCh ChildrCh — 0 0 1 0 — 0 1 0 0 — 2Perc[2Timp, BDr, TDr, SDr, Tamb, Vib, Xyl, 2Bongo, Congas, 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, Ratchet, Whip, Flex, 3SuspCym, 2Gong, Revolver, Klaxon] — 2Vln Vla Vlc

Lamento from opera 'Madame Curie'

for soprano and piano (2015), ca 12'

Maître renard et maître corbeau et le laboureur et ses enfants

(1999), ca 3'
Instrumentation: ChildrCh — 1 0 1 Sax 0 — 0 1 0 0 — Perc[4Toms, 2Bongo, SDr, 4TempleBlck, 2Cyms, Flex, Ratchet] Pno — Vln DB

On est toujours

(1997), ca 3'
Instrumentation: solo: 2S Bar, Sax Bandoneon Pno DB

Song of Salomon

(1989), ca 18'
Instrumentation: solo: S, 0 1 1 1 — 0 0 0 0 — Perc [Vib, BDr, 4Toms, 2Bongo, WdBlck, 3SuspCym, Gong, Bmboo Chms, Flex, Ratchet] — Vln Vla Vlc


for two solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra (2022), ca 33
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc — Strings(6 5/4/3/2)

...according to Pascal

for trumpet, harp, harpsichord and cello (1976), ca 14'

Alla breve

for piano solo (2005), ca 5' more


Chamber Opera in 1 Act (1977), ca 30'
Instrumentation: solo: S MS Dancers(Rttl, Mar, Guiro, Clav, SlghBlls, Tri, Cast, Tamb, WdBlck), 2 0 2 0 — 0 0 2 0 — 2Perc[I: Vib, 4TempleBlck, 4Toms, 2WdBlck, SDr without snares, SuspCym, SlghBlls; II: Mrmba, BDr, 2SuspCym, 2WdBlck] Pno Cel — 7Vln 2Vlc


for Cello (2012), ca 7'


pour viole de gambe et ensemble instrumental (1995), ca 17'
Instrumentation: solo: VladG, 1[Picc] 1 1[BCl] 1 — 1 0 0 0 — 2Perc [I: Vib, 4TempleBlck, 3WdBlck, Tamb, Rttl, Mar, Gong, Cyms, 2Toms, 4Bongo,Tri, Flex; II: 4Timp, BDr, SDr, TamT, Whip, Gong, Cyms, 4Toms, 4Bongo, Tri, Flex] Harp — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB

Chant Europe

for 3 children choirs and chamber orchestra (1993), ca 20'
Instrumentation: 3ChildrCh — 1 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 0 – Perc[4Timp, BDr, Gong, Cyms, 4Toms, 2Bongo, SDr, Tamb, 2TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Ratchet, Flex, 2Clav, Bmboo Chms] Harp Pno[Synth] — Strings

Cinéma, cinéma

for childrens choir and chamber orchestra (1994), ca 25'
Instrumentation: ChildrCh — 1 0 2 0 — 0 1 1 1 — Perc [BDr, 4Toms, SDr, Ratchet, Gong, Cyms, 2WdBlck, Tri, Flex, Bmboo Chms, Whip] Pno Acc — Strings(without Vlc)

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1

Hommage à Frédéric Chopin (2000), ca 26'
Instrumentation: solo: Pno, 2 2 2[1.2/BCl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Xylor, 3SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 4Bongo, Whip, Mar, Paper sheet; II: Gong(or TamT), 4Toms, Bells(or Vib), Tri, Guiro; III: 2Tim, BDr, SDr, Rttl, Clav] Harp — Strings

Concerto pour violon et orchestre

(2018), ca 25'
Instrumentation: solo: Vln, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2[1.2/BCl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: SlghBlls, 2Cyms, Sandpaper, Guiro, Ratchet, Xylor; II: Guiro, WdBlck, SDr, Whip, 4Toms, Flex, 2Cyms, TamT; III: SlghBlls, WdBlck, 3SuspCym, BDr, Timp] — Strings

Ecce homo

for orchestra. Hommage à Jan Paweł II (1999), ca 8'
Instrumentation: 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[I: Vib, Gong, Bells, Cym, 2WdBlck, 4TempleBlck, 2Mar; II: 4Toms, 2Cyms, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Flex, Tri, Rttl; III: BDr, SDr, 3Cyms, Flex, Guiro; IV: 4Timp, Rttl, Flex, 4Bongo] Harp — Strings

Five Miniatures

(2013), ca 15'
Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 1 — 3Perc[I: TamT, 3Timp, 4WdBlck, Guiro, Flex, Rttl, Sandpaper; II: 2SuspCym, Xylor, Handbells, Flex, SDr, Guiro, Chm, Rttl; III: Sandpaper, BDr, 3SuspCym, Guiro, 4Toms, Rttl, SDr, Handbells, Flex, 4WdBlck, Whip, Chm] — Strings

Five Miniatures

for Orchestra (2013), ca 15'

Gdańsk oratorio ‒ Omnia tempus habent

(1997), ca 50'
Instrumentation: solo: A, ChildrCh MixedCh — 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 3Perc[Vib, Bells, 4Timp, BDr, 4Toms, SDr, 4Bongo, Congas, Ratchet, 3Gong, 2Cyms, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Tri, SlghBlls, Whip, Metal, 3Guiro, Geophone, Whistle, 2Mar] Harp Org — Strings

Happy Valenciennes

for saxophones, tape and live electronics (2012), ca 48'
Instrumentation: SSax 7ASax 2TSax 2BarSax BSax — Elec Tape

Heart Brightening Songs

(1973), ca 12'
Instrumentation: solo: S, 1 1 1 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Vln Vlc

Hommage a Frederic Chopin

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra - score (1999–2000), ca 26' more

In memoriam Ursula

String quartet no. 3 (1999), ca 12'

Koncert oliwski

for organ and orchestra (2007), ca 25'
Instrumentation: solo: Org, 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[SDr, BDr, 4Toms, Tri, Xylor, SuspCym, Flex, WdBlck, 4Cyms, Timp, TamT, 4Toms, Bongo, Chms, RnStck, SlghBlls, Guiro, TempleBlck, Cast, Conga] Harp — Strings

Lamento from opera 'Madame Curie'

for soprano and piano (2015), ca 12'


(1992), ca 80'
Instrumentation: solo: S MS T Bar B, MixedCh ChildrCh — 0 0 1 0 — 0 1 0 0 — 2Perc[2Timp, BDr, TDr, SDr, Tamb, Vib, Xyl, 2Bongo, Congas, 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, Ratchet, Whip, Flex, 3SuspCym, 2Gong, Revolver, Klaxon] — 2Vln Vla Vlc

Liquid air

for orchestra (2021), ca 16'
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc/AFl] 2 2[1.BCl/Cl] 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc — Strings(12 10/8/6/4)


(1987), ca 14'
Instrumentation: solo: S, 1 1 1 1 — 1 0 0 0 — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB

Madame Curie

Opera in Three acts (2011), ca 110
Instrumentation: solo: 3S 3MS 2T 3Bar Actors, MixedCh — 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 3Perc[4Timp, BDr, 4Toms, 4Bongo, 2SDr, TamT, Xylor, Bells, 2Crot, 3SuspCym, 4WdBlck, 4TempleBlck, Rttl, Guiro, Flex, Whip, Metal Sheet, Crash Glass, 3Paper Sheets, 2Metal Bar (TamT, Harp), 3Cyms, Gun shot] ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings

Maître renard et maître corbeau et le laboureur et ses enfants

(1999), ca 3'
Instrumentation: ChildrCh — 1 0 1 Sax 0 — 0 1 0 0 — Perc[4Toms, 2Bongo, SDr, 4TempleBlck, 2Cyms, Flex, Ratchet] Pno — Vln DB


Concerto for Saxophone and Orchestra - score (2006), ca 35'
Instrumentation: solo: SSSax[SSax/ASax], 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — 4Perc[I: Xylor, 4SuspCym, 4Bongo, 4Toms, Rttl, Flex, RnStck, Cyms, Sandpaper; II: 4Timp, SDr, 4SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Mar, Tri, 4Bongo, Rttl, Guiro, RnStck, Cyms, Flex; III: 4Toms, TamT, 3SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2WdBlck, Mar, SlghBlls, Wood WindChms, Flex, Cyms, Rttl, Bongo, SDr, BDr; IV: BDr, 4Bongo, 4TempleBlck, 3SuspCym, Guiro, Cyms, RnStck, WdBlck, Mar, SDr] Harp — Strings

On est toujours

(1997), ca 3'
Instrumentation: solo: 2S Bar, Sax Bandoneon Pno DB

Organ Concerto No.2

(2007/2020), ca 20'
Instrumentation: Solo: Organ 2[1/Picc.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 1 — 2Perc Harp — Strings


for orchestra (2023), ca 12
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 3 0 — 3Perc Harp — Strings


from Suite No. 3 ‘Baroque’ (1997), ca 7'
Instrumentation: 2 2 2 2— 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Vib, Gong, BDr, SDr, Bongo, WdBlck, Mar, SlghBlls; II: Timp, Conga, Bongo,WdBlck, Tri, Rttl; III: 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, 2SuspCym] — Strings

Rappel III

pour orchestre à cordes (1998), ca 12'
Instrumentation: strings

Running North

for carillon (2020), ca 15'


for solo violin and electronics (2019), ca 14'

Song of Salomon

(1989), ca 18'
Instrumentation: solo: S, 0 1 1 1 — 0 0 0 0 — Perc [Vib, BDr, 4Toms, 2Bongo, WdBlck, 3SuspCym, Gong, Bmboo Chms, Flex, Ratchet] — Vln Vla Vlc

Sonosphère I. Twilling

for oboe, strings and live electronics (2013), ca 20'
Instrumentation: 0 1 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB

Sonosphère V. Wanda Landowska

for orchestra and electric guitar (2019), ca 20'
Instrumentation: solo: ElGtr, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc Harp — Strings

South Shore

Concertino for Harp Blue and Orchestra (2008), ca 25'
Instrumentation: solo: Harp, 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Xylor, Cym, Bongo, 4TempleBlck, Bells, SDr, 4WdBlck, Guiro, RnStck, SlghBlls, Flex; II: 4Toms, TamT, Tamb, Cym, Metal/Paper Sheet, Regle, 4WdBlck, RnStck, Rttl, Sandpaper; III: 4Timp, Mar, Guiro,Whip, Cym, WdBlck, Flex, RnStck] — Strings

Suite No. 3 ‘Baroque’

(1997), ca 21'
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc[I: Vib, Gong, BDr, SDr, Tamb, 4Bongo, 2WdBlck, Clav, Guiro, Mar, Tri, SlghBlls, Flex; II: Timp, Conga, 4Bongo, TamT, 2WdBlck, Guiro, Rttl, Flex, Tri, Whip; III: 4Toms, 4TempleBlck, Clav, 2SuspCym, Bells, Paper Sheet, Rttl, Mar, Flex, Whip] — Strings

Symphony ‘Ombres’

(1990), ca 15'
Instrumentation: 3[1.2/Picc.3] 3 3 3 — 4 2 2 1 — 4Perc[I: 4Timp, SuspCym, Flex, Rttl, Tri, 4TempleBlck, Whip, 4Bongo, Mar, Gong(or TamT), Geophone; II: BDr, 4Toms, Xyl, SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, 2Mar, 4Bongo; III: Vib, SuspCym, 4TempleBlck, Mar, Flex, Gong(or Tmt), 2Bells(or Vib), 2WdBlck, Geophone; IV: Mrmba, TDr, Gong(or Tamt), SuspCym, 2Toms, 4Bongo,Wood WindChms, Rttl] Pno — Strings(18 15/12/9/8)


for two solo voices, mixed choir and orchestra (2022), ca 33
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 3Perc — Strings(6 5/4/3/2)


for Solo Double Bass (2005), ca 8' more

Voyage III

for flute (1981), ca 7'

Wrocław Symphony. Sonosphere III and IV

for orchestra and electronics (2017/2024), ca 30'
Instrumentation: 2[1.2/Picc] 2 2 2 — 4 4 4 1 — 5Perc Elec Pno Harp — Strings(7 6/5/4/3)

(2018), ca 7'
Instrumentation: solo: S, [1.2/Picc.3] 3 3[1.2/BCl.3] 3 — 4 3 3 1 — Timp 3Perc ElGtr Harp Acc — Strings