Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
biuletyn informacji publicznej


Studies for Children

for Piano, Book 1

Countries of delivery:
  • Cat. no. 6512

  • ISBN ISSN: 83-224-1930-9


These are the commonly known and popular studies of Kohler, Gnesin, Demaux and others. The publication has been included in the curriculum approved for use in primary music schools.

  • Series: Educational Series
  • ISMN 979-0-2740-0014-1
  • Language of edition: eng, pol
  • Number of pages: 36
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 23
  • Published: 2020
  • Type: instrumental solo
  • Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)

Table of contents:
Köhler L. Study No. 1

Gnesina Helena

Study No. 10
Frey M. Study No. 11

Gnesina Helena

Study No. 12
Gurlitt C. Study No. 13
Lachowicka S. Study No. 14
Lewidowa D Study No. 15
Lachowicka S. Study No. 16

Schytte Ludwig

Study No. 17

Goedicke Aleksandr

Study No. 18
Hünten Franz Study No. 19
Demaux L. Study No. 2
Berkowicz Izaak Study No. 20
Berens Herman Study No. 21

Schytte Ludwig

Study No. 22

Gnesina Helena

Study No. 23
Brunner Christian Traugott Study No. 24
Immler Christian Study No. 25

Schytte Ludwig

Study No. 26

Schytte Ludwig

Study No. 27

Schytte Ludwig

Study No. 28

Goedicke Aleksandr

Study No. 29
Lachowicka S. Study No. 3
Frey Martin Study No. 30

Goedicke Aleksandr

Study No. 31
Frey Martin Study No. 32

Goedicke Aleksandr

Study No. 33
Hünten Franz Study No. 34

Gnesina Helena

Study No. 35
Germer Heinrich Study No. 36
Nikołajew Aleksiej Study No. 37

Schytte Ludwig

Study No. 38
Frey Martin Study No. 39

Gnesina Helena

Study No. 4

Goedicke Aleksandr

Study No. 40
Berens Herman Study No. 41
Germer Heinrich Study No. 42

Różycki Aleksander

Study No. 43
Germer Heinrich Study No. 44
Berens Herman Study No. 45
Zilcher Paul Study No. 46
Frey Martin Study No. 47
Berens Herman Study No. 48
Frey Martin Study No. 49

Schytte Ludwig

Study No. 5

Bertini Henri

Study No. 50
Frey Martin Study No. 51

Schytte Ludwig

Study No. 6
Frey M. Study No. 7
Gurlitt C. Study No. 8
Gurlitt C. Study No. 9
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