Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Music for Stringed Keyboard Instruments

from 16th to 18th c. (for Piano or Harpsichord)

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  • Cat. no. 7889

  • ISBN ISSN: 83-224-1655-5


All the pieces collected in the present book are based on original texts, taken either from the first editions or later ones based on first editions and signed by well-known and highly regarded academic authorities. The tables of ornaments, important for the performance of early music in good style, are the composers. The editor has added the remarks which should make it easier to understand and use the tables and, in the case the composers formulation is not clear enough, to remove the doubts. The editors performance directions have been placed in round brackets, except for the fingering figures in the examples of the ornament realisations (placed over or under the original musical text) as well as the breathing signs, marked by means of a vertical line, cutting the staff at the point where the part begins anew. The line is sometimes replaced by a suitable fingering. The slurs added by the editor have been dotted. The metronome markings have been omitted on purpose as too arbitrary and inhibiting the musical imagination of the player. For initial guidance the general indications of tempo and the character of the work given by the composer, or in the case of their absence provided by the editor, should be sufficient for him. The rest will happen in the course of a more prolonged contact with the work, which will develop the sense of the natural pulse of the performed music, alongside with the tempo, in which the work is rendered clearly, vividly and necessarily freely. The registration indications have also been omitted for the same reason the early harpsichordists used to omit them: because, both in the past and at present different types of harpsichord are in use, with very diverse specifications of registers. The pedalling marks have also been omitted. Pedalling can and should be used when performing harpsichord pieces on the piano, but it will only be a sustaining pedal, sometimes indispensable, but the use of which depends, above all, on the physical possibilities of the player, i.e. on the size and extensibility of his hands.

  • Series: Jubilee Series
  • Language of edition: pol
  • Number of pages: 80
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 1
  • Published: 1981
  • Type: instrumental solo
  • Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)

Table of contents:

Purcell Henry

Ground w G-dur

Purcell Henry

Byrd William Alman
Fischer Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Taniec angielski
Chambonniéres Jacques Champion de Chaconne
Chambonniéres Jacques Champion de Chaconne
Fischer Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Chaconne
Chambonniéres Jacques Champion de Courante
Haendel Georg Friedrich Gavotte

Purcell Henry


Rameau Jean-Philippe

Wesoła dziewczyna
Dandrieu Jean F. La Musete

Rameau Jean-Philippe

Dandrieu Jean F. Piszczałki
Couperin François Tamburyn
Couperin François Trykociarki
Couperin François Lirnicy i żebracy
Haendel Georg Friedrich Menuet
Haendel Georg Friedrich Menuet

Bach Johann Sebastian

Farnaby Giles Meridian Alman

Purcell Henry


Daquin Louis Claude

Dudy i tamburyn
Haendel Georg Friedrich Passepied

Bach Johann Sebastian

Chambonniéres Jacques Champion de Rondeau
Fischer Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Rondeau
Chambonniéres Jacques Champion de Sarabande
Fischer Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Sarabande

Scarlatti Domenico


Purcell Henry

Melodia trąbki
Out of Print