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A Music Reader b. 1

for Piano

Countries of delivery:
  • Cat. no. 5939

  • ISBN ISSN: 83-224-1845-0


The ''Music Reader'' has been conceived as a kind of music magazine for junior music schools. Its aim is to provide children with a valuable music material; and the collecting together of works by various composers of different epochs in one volume will make it easier for a teacher to select a repertory which would have to be assembled from different, not always available, collections. In addition, the Music Reader, as its title suggests, might provide useful material for sight-reading practice. All the pieces in the Music Reader have been checked against urtext editions or the most recent critical editions. The editing in itself has also been modernized in order to make the text as transparent as possible. The editor's performance directions, regarding tempo, dynamics, articulation and so on, have been placed in brackets in order to differentiate them from the composer's marks, while added slurs are pecked. In this way, both teacher and student will be able to distinguish the original marks from those added by the editor, which - of course - are less binding.

  • Series: Children Series: Cat
  • Language of edition: pol
  • Number of pages: 44
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 16
  • Published: 2019
  • Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)

Table of contents:
Muzafarow M. 2 melodie tatarskie
Eszpaj Andriej 3 utwory dla dzieci (taniec)
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeusz Air Es
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeusz Andante Es

Kabalewski Dymitr

Bajeczka op. 39 nr 2
Couppey F. Bourrée op. 17 nr 5
Rowley Alec Dudziarz op. 37 nr 3

Gnesina Helena

Etiudka C

Gnesina Helena

Etiudka D

Schytte Ludwig

Etiudka op. 108 nr 4

Majkapar Samuel

Grająca szkatułka op. 28 nr 13

Szostakowicz Dmitrij

Mozart Wolfgang Amadeusz Kontredans G

Kozłowski Józef

Kontredans G
Rowley Alec Mały Chińczyk op. 37 nr 6
Jordański Michaił Marsz op. 24 nr 1

Schumann Robert

Marsz op. 68 nr 2

Goedicke Aleksandr

Mazurek op. 36 nr 23
Graupner Christoph Menuet
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeusz Menuet B
Beethoven Ludwik van Menuet B

Mozart Leopold

Menuet C
Haydn Józef Menuet D
Haydn Józef Menuet F

Kabalewski Dymitr

Menuet op. 27 nr 7
Rebikow Władimir Niedźwiadek

Raczkowski Władysław


Greczaninow Aleksander

Pielgrzymi op. 98 nr 14
Muzafarow M. Pieśń taneczna
Eszpaj Andriej Piosenka
Novak V. Piosenka dziecięca op. 55 nr 1

Bartók Béla

Piosenka ludowa

Bartók Béla

Piosenka ludowa

Kabalewski Dymitr

Piosenka op. 27 nr 2
Toch Ernst Pochmurne niebo
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeusz Polonez F
Türk Daniel Gottlob Sonatina C
Eszpaj Andriej Taniec

Szostakowicz Dmitrij


Gnesina Helena

Taniec G

Greczaninow Aleksander

Taniec op. 98 nr 10
Hummel Jan Taniec szkocki op. 42 nr 5
Rebikow Władimir Trębacze

Greczaninow Aleksander

W obozie op. 98 nr 2

Schumann Robert

Wesoły wieśniak op. 68 nr 10
14,00 EUR
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