Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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String Quartet No. 1

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  • Cat. no. 10063

  • ISBN ISSN: 83-224-0703-3


Quartet was composed in the spring of 1980 an a commission from Krzysztof Penderecki. The piece was premiered on August 28, 1980, at the First Festival of Chamber Music in Lusławice by two ensembles at the same place. My intention was to write a piece relating to the apogee of string quartet development, which was achieved in Beethoven's quartets. In speaking about a connection, of course my thoughts were not of the same compositional technique or formal construction used in Beethoven's quartets, but of their major importance.

  • Language of edition: eng, pol
  • Number of pages: 80
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 2
  • Published: 2001
  • Size: A4 vertical (210x297 mm)

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