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for violin and harpsichord / positiv

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  • Cat. no. 12734


One of the three pieces with the 2nd prize ex aequo in the 16th Tadeusz Ochlewski Composition Competition in Cracow (2019)

ToccatAria consists of two equal, independent (in terms of form) instrumental parts, juxtaposed within one piece. Reference to Baroque traditions is present here in two ways: the violin part is structured in compliance with the principles of shaping the evolution of the Baroque aria according to Johann Mattheson, whereas the harpsichord/positive part alludes to the stilus phantasticus in the form of a toccata in relation to the output of Dietrich Buxtehude.

Jan Paweł Przegendza
translated by Żaneta Pniewska

  • Series: Tadeusz Ochlewski Composition Competition
  • ISMN 979-0-2740-3265-4
  • Language of edition: pol, eng
  • Number of pages: 20+16
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 1
  • Published: 2021
  • Type: score and parts
  • Size: N4 horizontal (305x235 mm)

14,00 EUR
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