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Works by categories
- Sheet music
- Books
- CDs and audiobooks
- Stationery
- Miscellaneous
- eNotes, eBooks
- For children
- For schools
- Chopin
- Wieniawski
- Szymanowski
Works by Series
- Anthology of Contemporary Music
- Antologia Pieśni Patriotycznej
- Be the Soloist!
- Black Friday
- Camera
- Canto
- Cello Miniatures
- Children Series: Cat
- Children Series: Cricket
- Children Series: Elephant
- Children Series: Hippo
- Children Series: Nightingale
- Children Series: Puppet
- Chopin for You
- Chopin, CW (ed. Paderewski)
- Chopin, CW Separate Edition
- Chopin, Facsimile
- Chopin, WN (ed. Ekier)
- Chopin, WN (min. scores)
- Concert Bands Library
- Contemporary Music
- Conversations about composers
- Coro
- CORO - sacred
- CORO - secular
- Debut
- early music
- Early Polish Music Publications
- Easy Piano
- El Maestro
- Famous Transcriptions
- Fiddler Collection
- First 50
- Flute Miniatures
- Guides
- Guitar Miniatures
- John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course
- Karłowicz - Works
- Microjazz
- Moniuszko - Works
- Motion Trio Transcriptions
- Music of Our Times
- Musical Frame (Film Music)
- Nowowiejski Works
- Orchestra
- Organ Miniatures
- Our Choral Song
- Paderewski Complete Works
- Per Strumenti
- Personalities of the World of Music
- Piano Miniatures
- Polish Chamber Music
- Polish Choral Literature
- Polish Composers of 20th Century
- Project: A Hundred for Hundred Musical Decades of Freedom
- Res Facta Nova Library
- Ruch Muzyczny
- Songs and Arias
- Sources for the History of Polish Music
- Stefani Works
- Strumento
- Szymanowski - GA / CE
- Szymanowski, Works (Polish Ed.)
- Szymanowski, Works Separate Editions
- Tadeusz Ochlewski Composition Competition
- The Most....
- Violin Miniatures
- Vocal Selections
- Wieniawski - Works
Moniuszko - Works
Our intention is to produce a critical source edition of the extant compositions of Stanisław Moniuszko in the version established by the composer, cleansed of the errors and alterations of later editions. The source base will comprise extant authograph manuscripts or copies with corrections made by the composer and first editions published during Moniuszko’s lifetime, mostly authorised by him. We also avail ourselves of material prepared for publication as part of the edition elaborated at PWM last century under the editorship of Prof. Witold Rudziński.

Administratorem dobrowolnie podanych danych osobowych jest Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne z siedzibą w Krakowie (31-111) przy Al. Krasińskiego 11A. Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu wysyłki Newslettera zawierającego informacje marketingowe administratora danych. Posiada Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści oraz poprawiania swoich danych osobowych. Informujemy, iż poza podmiotami uprawnionymi na podstawie przepisów prawa, zebrane dane osobowe nie będą udostępniane.