Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Works by Series


ANAKLASIS releases Polish music of the 20th- and 21st-centuries. We present excellent composers and performers as well as outstanding works. Our aim is to popularise contemporary music among open-minded listeners who explore new territories and are ready for new challenges, but may not have previously been interested in such a repertoire.

The ANAKLASIS catalogue is divided into publishing series, each of which represents one fascinating phenomenon in contemporary music:

• PORTRAITS – presents the achievements of individual Polish 20th- and 21st-century composers in the form of single-composer programmes;

• SOUNDS – focuses on eminent performers of contemporary music and their instruments;

• REVISIONS – experiments, transgressions, revolutions – presents the output of composers from other musical worlds, such as those of electronic and improvised music;

• HERITAGE – rediscovers little-known treasures from the Polskie Nagrania and Polish Radio archives;

• IMAGES – offers audio-visual recordings made independently or in collaboration with the Polish state television TVP; these include opera productions, concerts, and documentaries on music.


• OPERA – an outstanding vocal-instrumental work going beyond the established tradition, the genre understanding of the word "opera," released on CD and LP.

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Themes of Dracula

Themes of Dracula

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