Ryszard Daniel Golia
Operowe światy Stanisława Moniuszki
Buy in the new PWM bookstore29,00 EUR Suggested retail price.
Danuta Gwizdalanka
Uwodziciel. Rzecz o Karolu Szymanowskim
Buy in the new PWM bookstore17,00 EUR Suggested retail price.
Danuta Gwizdalanka
The Seducer. A thing about Karol Szymano
Buy in the new PWM bookstore35,00 EUR Suggested retail price.
Ryszard Daniel Golia
Polska w muzycznej Europie
Buy in the new PWM bookstore20,00 EUR Suggested retail price.
Teresa Chylińska
Karol Szymanowski. Romans, którego nie b
Buy in the new PWM bookstore15,00 EUR Suggested retail price.