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Polish Music at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival 2015

Polish Music at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival 2015

The Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival is held from 20 till 29 of November 2015. This year, the Festival gives particular focus to Polish music. The programme encompasses the pieces by e.g. Agata Zubel and Tomasz Sikorski.


The concert of 20 November featured the British premiere of “Not I”, an award-winning piece by Agata Zubel. The piece was performed by the musicians of Klangforum Wien, under the baton of Clement Power. Agata Zubel sang the solo part.


On the 21 of November, the British audience could hear the music by Tomasz Sikorski: “Autograf” (Autograph) for piano, “Widok z okna oglądany w roztargnieniu” (Absent-Minded Window-Gazing) for piano and “Echa I-IV” (Echoes I-IV).

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