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PWM Official Representative of Josef Weinberger LTD, Glocken Verlag and Octava Music

PWM Official Representative of Josef Weinberger LTD, Glocken Verlag and Octava Music
We are happy to inform you that PWM Edition has signed a new contract for representing the catalogue of the Josef Weinberger LTD, Glocken Verlag and Octava Music publishing companies in Poland. So far, we have been a sole representative of the abovementioned publishers as for their concert performances.


Several weeks ago PWM Edition was also granted the rights to cover their stage works, in terms of both hiring and licencing them (i.e. regarding the so-called Great Rights).

The popular and loved operas, operettas and musicals are now much easier to access: you can order them via PWM Edition. In the catalogue of our new partners you will find the greatest operettas by Strauss, Millöcker, Zeller or Kálmán, as well as music fables and famous British musicals of the 1990s, which only make a part of the rich collection of Josef Weinberger's publications.

See the publisher's full catalogue for more details.

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