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On the trail of Paweł Mykietyn’s flute concertos

On the trail of Paweł Mykietyn’s flute concertos

The coming days will bring a rare opportunity to hear both of Paweł Mykietyn’s flute concertos.

On 13 October, the Flute Concerto from 2013 will be performed in Szczecin. Łukasz Długosz will be accompanied by the local philharmonic orchestra under the baton of Perry So.

Two days later, on 15 October, the Double Concerto for two flutes (2016) will be heard in the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of Polish Radio in Warsaw. The soloists will be Łukasz and Agata Długosz, and the Polish Radio Orchestra will be conducted by Michał Klauza.


As Agnieszka Grzybowska states in her review of the Flute Concerto: ‘Mykietyn seeks to convince the listener that time is elastic and can be stretched a little’. On the Double Concerto, written for Łukasz and Agata Długosz, the flautists themselves have said: ‘The innovative approach to the agogic domain in this work is incredibly interesting. The solo parts – in close symbiosis with the orchestra part – are given a highly original treatment’.


Detailed information: Szczecin, Warsaw.



© PWM / fot. Marcin Oliva Soto

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