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The Polish premiere of Vladimir Martynov’s ‘Come In!’

The Polish premiere of Vladimir Martynov’s ‘Come In!’

On 7 November, Polish music lovers will have the chance to hear Vladimir Martynov’s ‘Come In!’ for violin and chamber orchestra, interpreted by Kaja Danczowska with the Chamber Orchestra of Krakow Academy of Music, conducted by Stanisław Krawczyński. The concert, part of the annual ‘John Paul II Days’ event, will be held in the Church of SS Peter and Paul in Krakow.



Written in 1986, this work displays a captivating simplicity of expression. The most frequent performers of ‘Come In!’ include Gidon Kremer and Tatiana Grindenko.


Here is the composer’s brief note on this work


"The staircase to Heaven is inside your heart; you enter through the door of your soul.

Our whole life is but an attempt to find this miraculous entrance.

All our deeds are but a timid knocking on this mysterious door

All our hopes are to hear a voice that would respond, 'Come In!'"

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