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Agata Zubel is Composer-in-Residence to Ensemble 2e2m in Paris

Agata Zubel is Composer-in-Residence to Ensemble 2e2m in Paris

Agata Zubel, “the veritable volcano of the Polish music scene”, has been invited by Ensemble 2e2m, one of the most prestigious new music groups in France, to be their composer-in-residence in Paris for the year 2019.

In this way, the ensemble has shown its appreciation for Agata Zubel’s versatile talent both as a composer and a soloist performing in venues throughout the world. 


The residency programme comprises three official meetings and concerts with Ensemble 2e2m, during which both the musicians and the Parisian audience will become more closely acquainted with the figure and musical output of Agata Zubel.

The first of these encounters took place on 10th January, and involved a discussion about Zubel’s music. One of the invited guests was Elżbieta Sikora, a composer residing in Paris for many years and closely familiar with the city’s music scene.

During the next two concerts, planned for 15th January and 9th April, Agata Zubel’s works will be presented in the context of the output of other contemporary women composers as part of the cycle “It’s a Women’s World (Too)”. On 15th January the Paris audience will listen to Aphorisms on Miłosz (for details, click here), and on 9th April – Zubel’s Labirynth (more on this event here). Agata Zubel will sing solo at both concerts, naturally – accompanied by Ensemble 2e2m under the baton of Pierre Roullier.

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