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Compositions by Ignacy Jan Paderewski in the Orchestral Materials Library (BMO)

Compositions by Ignacy Jan Paderewski in the Orchestral Materials Library (BMO)
This year the seventy year period of estate protection ended on the works of Ignacy Jan Paderewski. They have entered the public domain, so from the beginning of 2012 there are no restrictions on access to the the composer’s materials which can be found in the collections of PWM’s  Orchestral Materials Library (BMO). As a result, the cost of loan rates will be determined by BMO.

Currently the following titles can be found in our loan collection:
Fantaisie polonaise sur des thèmes originaux / Polish Fantasy G sharp minor op. 19
Piano Concerto A minor op. 17
Manru – Lyrical drama in 3 acts, libretto: Alfred Nossig based on „Chaty za wsią” by J.I. Kraszewski
Polonaise op. 9, orchestrated by J. Kański
Polonaise op. 9, orchestrated by S. Śnieckowski
Symphony B minor
Theme varié op.16 nr 3, orchestrated by K. Wiłkomirski

Additionally, new editions of the "Piano Concerto" and "Symphony in B minor" will be published by the end of this year.

Ignacy Jan Paderewski’s profile in the Gallery of Composers (with a list of pieces available from us).

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