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‘Panufnik: a celebration’ – BBC weekend in Glasgow

‘Panufnik: a celebration’ – BBC weekend in Glasgow

Glasgow plays host to a major retrospective of Andrzej Panufnik music at City Halls on 21 and 22 June.


Repertoire spans the composer’s output, from his first symphony Sinfonia Rustica, through his most popular work Sinfonia Sacra, to his final Symphony No.10. Other works include the Violin Concerto with Alexander Sitkovetsky and Piano Concerto with Ewa Kupiec as soloists, the haunting microtonal Lullaby, the Elgar-inspired Polonia, and the composer’s arrangement of trios by the Polish émigré composer Janiewicz. A piano recital couples Panufnik with Lutosławski, and an introductory talk includes Lady Camilla Panufnik and Łukasz Borowicz on the panel.



fot. Camilla Panufnik

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