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Sławomir Kupczak – the April Composer of the Month

Sławomir Kupczak – the April Composer of the Month

In our gallery of COMPOSERS OF THE MONTH, we present today the figure of Sławomir Kupczak, our April Composer of the Month.

His ‘composer’s alphabet’ is simple in form but rich in content and contexts:

A for abstraction, angling, ‘ah!’, Anaphora VI, the Academy of Music in Wrocław, AUKSO, Andy Warhol, accentato e tenuto, acquaforte, armchair, ‘apple’, Analogya 2, Azelia Banks

B for being close to each other, Bach, Buena Vista Social Club, Barbara Skarga, bureau (that is, writing desk), beauty, Bółt Records, Bandito the Cat, Beckett Samuel, bum for computer, bed, Bulgakov Mikhail, Bareja Stanisław, Beverly Hills, 90210

C for tender care, countertenor, cooperation, cheesecake, chess, changeability, Cioran Emil, chinkali, camp, Cetirizini dihydrochloridum, Chopin, Chłopecki Andrzej, casual, conductor, coffee, cello, computer, Creation I, Cikada String Quartet, Studio of Computer Composition at the Wrocław Academy of Music

D for Daft Punk, determination, ‘dear me!’, I don’t know, I don’t want, Dynasty, disco, Dossier A.Z., document, David Lynch, Diva, De profundis, Danny Trejo, A Dream Caused by a Bee’s Flight Around a Pomegranate a Second before Waking Up, 13 Dobrowolskiego Street

E for Eve, Edges, emotion, empathy, education, eroticism, the eight notes, études by Kreutzer R.

F for flirting, film, freedom, fear, friends, Fullness, Francis Ford Coppola, Ford Gran Torino, Figliki, Frank Miller

G for Gliwice, the Grotowski Centre, garden plot, Gudmundsen-Holmgreen Pelle

H for humour, hypertension, heat wave, ‘holy mother!’, Hummingbirds, house, heets, Halny, Hopper Edward


I for initiative, independence, image, audio interface


J for Joanna, Jukka Tiensuu, jokes, Jelenia Góra, James Bond


K for Kołakowski Leszek, Kojak, Kleiber Carlos, kitsch, Kraków, Kondratiuk Andrzej

L for love, lake, laughter, laziness, lightness, Lofty, Lutosławski Witold, Lalique, ‘Livka dear, get me a beer’, Leonard Bernstein, la la laaaaaa.....

Ł for “Łowiecka”

M for Mozart, M.I.A., mini lottery, “Musica Polonica Nova”, Mark Rothko, Miami Vice, Mahler, Marian Paździoch

N for Naira, night, Novella, Nikifor, nanny Leonia, the (Polish) NHS, nominated teacher

O for otherness, One in Ten, Oratorio, Olga Lipińska’s Cabaret, The Olsen Gang, contemporary opera

P for passion, pure cotton, Polish Radio Channel Two, Podlasie, Penultima, PWM, PKP railways, PSMs (my music schools in Jelenia Góra), performance, pierogi, “Polityka” weekly, Partita III by Paweł Szymański

R for repetitions, Report, Różewicz Tadeusz, Rucola (Rocket Salad), Rambo, Rysa, Res facta, Radiohead

S for Sine amore nihil est vita, Sinhá Moça, scales and passages, stubborn, submissive, skis, songs, smell, seafood, silence, Stasiuk Andrzej, Sorrentino Paolo, structure, surconventionalism,

T for theatre, Tarantino Quentin, tachycardia, TVP Kultura, table tennis, steak tartare, Tomasz Sikorski, Tsmindao Ghmerto, tulips, Tadeusz Konwicki

U for ‘uh-huh’

W for wood, work, wine, winter, white over red, Wrocław, Webern Anton, Widziałem Cię [I Saw You], the “Warsaw Autumn”

V for vintage, vinyl, voice, Venice, violence, violin, Voyager

Z for Z listopada 2010 [From November 2010] for computer

Another piece by Sławomir Kupczak will soon be added to the PWM publisher’s catalogue: Diva for soprano and string quartet, premiered on 30th March this year during the 8th Festival of Premieres, which was recently held in Katowice. Before the premiere we recorded the composer’s and the performers’ comments on this piece, which can be heard and viewed on our YouTube profile:

Sławomir Kupczak –

Agata Zubel –

Arkadiusz Kubica (The Silesian Quartet) –


We encourage you to add works by Sławomir Kupczak to your library. Throughout this month they can be purchased at a 50% discount! 

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