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Congress IAML 2021

Congress IAML 2021

On July 26–30, 2021, the next international IAML (International Association of Music Libraries) congress will be held on the Zoom platform, this year on-line.

This congress annually gathers music librarians from around the world to support them in their work on projects related to the bibliography and documentation of musical works. PWM Edition will be represented by prof. dr hab. Marcin Gmys, who will present a presentation prepared on the basis of the critical editions of works by outstanding Polish composers published by our publishing house entitled “Source-critical editions – a reservoir of historical knowledge or a tool for promoting early music”. The presentation will take place on July 27. in hours 15.00–16.30 (UTC). We cordially invite you to participate in the conference. Registration is free and can be made from the link provided until 23.07.2021.

You can find the program of the congress at the following link:

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