for Soprano, Mixed Choir and Orchestra
The work is set to the text of the Angelic Greetings, and was written with the Claromontana monastery (Jasna Góra in Czestochowa) and the ceremonial opening (post-restoration)of the famous Altar in mind. ''This is probably my first religious piece,'' Wojciech Kilar had said. ''However, I am immediately overcome by doubt, its as if I dont have the boldness to admit to purely religious music. It is, after all, an Angelus of the year 1984, a piece in which the sacred and the profane - as usual in my work - intertwine and unite. [...] The religiousness of the work is inextricably linked with what is happening in our country.''
- Autor posłowia: Bohdan Pociej
- Series: Contemporary Music
- Language of edition: eng, pol
- Language of text: pol
- Number of pages: 40
- Cover: softcover
- No. of edition: 2
- Published: 2002
- Type: score
- Size: A4 vertical (210x297 mm)
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