Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Elegia in memoriam John Paul II

for viola solo

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  • Cat. no. 11215


Elegia for viola solo is written for Michael Hall. The work is dedicated to the memory of the late Pope John Paul II. The piece is based on an old Icelandic prayer folk song of the ninth century with the following words:
''O great God of the earth,
Hear now my prayer rising upward,
Waken my soul to Thy good!
O great maker of life,
Give now my spirit Thy beauty,
Fill all my days with Thy work!''

The intensity of mood and expression is preserved throughout the whole piece. Despite the mournful character of the music, the texture is vibrant and full of contrasting colors.

[Marta Ptaszyńska]

  • Cover: softcover
  • Type: instrumental solo

13,00 EUR
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