Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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The Mountains

for Symphony Orchestra

Countries of delivery:
  • Cat. no. 8709


''Mountains'' for orchestra was written in 1979 and 1980 partly on the basis of the earlier sketches. In composing the piece I tried not to define any strict formal rules in advance. One might say that if the composition contains certain regularities mainly in the sound material and general structur, this is a result of intuitive application of the universal canons of the structure of a musical work. The fact that the composition is tonal was not the result of any conscious decision either. It simply coincides with my preferences as well as with my earlier works. It should not be inferred from the above statement that the composition resulted from improvisation or subconscious activity. The material selected by intuition has been subjected to a very precise processing, and I think that the degree of control of consciousenss over intuition was by necessity rather high. /A. Lasoń, from the Programm book of the ''Warsaw Autumn Festival'' 1983/

  • Type: score

Out of Print