Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
biuletyn informacji publicznej

9/11 Elegy

for cello (viola) and piano

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  • Cat. no. 13327

  • EAN: 9790274040536


On 11 September 2001, terrorists hijacked four planes to crash them into the most important buildings of the United States. Two Boeings crashed into the World Trade Center towers and one into the Pentagon; the last attack was partially thwarted by heroic passengers, and the plane crashed to the ground in an undeveloped area. As I watched numerous recollections and reports about these crimes 20 years later, on the anniversary of the tragic events, the same emotions that had accompanied me years ago came flooding back. I decided to write an elegy in memory of all the victims of those brutal attacks. My piece is a tribute to every single person whose life was cut short so suddenly.


Marcel Chyrzyński

  • Series: Strumento
  • ISMN 979-0-2740-4053-6
  • Cover: softcover
  • Type: solo part (instrumental) + accompaniment

Out of Print

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