Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Reflection no. 8

for piano

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  • Cat. no. 13033


All the pieces of Reflection cycle are an expression of my thoughts related to the transience and fragility
of existence. Contemplation and calmness emanating from these pieces reflect my emotions
resulting from the acceptance of such a world order.
Reflection no. 8 was composed with the Polish pianist Ignacy Lisiecki in mind and is dedicated
to him.

Marcel Chyrzyński

  • Series: Strumento
  • ISMN 979-0-2740-3672-0
  • Language of edition: pol, eng
  • Number of pages: 12
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 1
  • Published: 2023
  • Type: instrumental solo
  • Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)

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