Rzeczpospolita Polska
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
biuletyn informacji publicznej

Augustyn Bloch

Augustyn Bloch


Bloch’s main direction of work crystallized in the 1960s - stage music. In this, the composer reveals his exceptional musicality and ability to create music with a simple dramaturgy, while simultaneously enriching the technical resources. And so, for example, already in his first ballet, called "Voci", Bloch uses dodecaphonic techniques. In later works, the basic formal foundation of the structure becomes a series (one or more in a piece) and its various transformations (e.g. „Dialoghi”’, „Gilgamesz”). He presents an original construction in "Enfiando" for orchestra, a work based on the dynamic effect enfiando (swelling). Bloch sometimes placed modern and experimental techniques and formal experimentation in the atmosphere of archaic music, synagogue and Gregorian chants („Medytacje”, „Ajelet”).