Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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for Piano

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  • Cat. no. 10049

  • ISBN ISSN: 83-224-0786-6


''Fandango'', composed in 1953, is a short characteristic piece with an uncomplicated texture. Using very simple means, with typical fantasy and, at the same time, great moderation and culture, the composer was able to reproduce the essence of Spanish music as represented in this popular dance. The use of Phrygian mode, fourth and third chords typical of the guitar, and rhythms containing shifts of accents all combine to introduce us to a world of music, which impresses with its authenticity and vitality, and which has become well-known to us through Andalusian song and dance. Fandango, like most of Maciejewski's post-war works of an unassuming nature, is intended both for concert performance and domestic music-making. The composer, himself an experienced master of the piano, avoids the temptation of indulging too freely in extreme registers or overloading the texture. Its noble simplicity makes it possible to obtain a really profound expression; it is at the same time a perfect model for the shaping of artistic taste. The present publication has been prepared on the basis of a photocopy of the autograph. The rare articulation signs and pedalling markings are the composer's. Suggestions regarding tempo and dynamics have been introduced by the editor, who has also corrected the occasional error and omission. [Elżbieta Widłak]

  • Series: Contemporary Music
  • Language of edition: eng, pol
  • Number of pages: 16
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 1
  • Published: 2002
  • Type: instrumental solo
  • Size: A4 vertical (210x297 mm)

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